University Affairs

Search for new CAHNRS dean narrowed to four finalists

Four finalists for the position of dean of the College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences have been identified and will visit Washington State University during the weeks of Nov. 27 and Dec. 4.

Hulbert Hall on WSU Campus

Snow removal accessibility requests

As winter arrives, the Facilities Operations Grounds Department is preparing it snow removal plans and priorities and wants to hear from people who have specific snow-removal needs because of disabilities.

Researchers benefit from undergrad practicality

Getting ready for school on a snowy day can be quite a challenge for young children. In addition to eating breakfast, getting dressed and packing up workbooks, they have to remember extra things like boots, gloves, a hat, and a coat. Undergraduate researcher Jenna (Eva) Caneva helped turn this real-life scenario into a simple cognition exercise to test the ability of 6-to-10-year-olds to follow instructions.

Jenna Caneva and her faculty mentor Sammy Perone

Look who’s coming to the Benefits Fair on Nov. 8

The fair for the Pullman campus is taking place 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m on November 8 in the CUB Junior Ballroom. To find the schedule of other fairs occurring around the state, visit the HCA webpage.